A Moment in the Limelight:

Dr. Catherine Drew

CEO of Florida

Psychological Associates

 Today, we are bringing one of our fearless leaders, Dr. Catherine Drew into the limelight for a moment. She is a licensed clinical psychologist, contributing editor of the American Psychological Association Clinician's Research Digest for Children and Adolescents, and serves as a courtesy faculty member of Florida State University. Dr. Drew also supervises half of our FPA staff. If you know Dr. Drew, you know she loves to encourage others and has a passion for helping and if you don’t, get to know to her below:

1. What is your favorite quote that inspires you?
-“Don’t ask what the world needs and do that. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have COME alive” – Howard Thurman

2. Describe yourself in 5 words
-Grateful; Driven; Happy; Tenacious; Hopeful 

3. What makes your day?
-Coming to FPAeveryday – It’s a dream for me – I lead a team of stellar clinicians who bring innovative mental health solutions to my home community of Nassau.

4. What inspired you to create FPA?
-I created FPA to ignite that spark of hope for healing, & happiness in our clients and to create an employment culture where wellness and clinical skills are a top priority

5. Do you have any pets?
-Yes! FPA’s resident dog gets to come home with me

every night. Luna Belle came from a breeder who raises

dogs to support children with emotional challenges.

She is happy from the moment she wakes up. She loves

bringing smiles and comfort to the clients as well as

the entire FPA team.

6. What is your favorite book that you read over

and over?
-Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis – every time

I pick it up I come across something new.

7. What is your favorite thing about FPA?
-The team. When I opened FPA, a mentor advised me to work hard at recruiting a team that’s not there to “just punch a timecard” then 
go home. I worked hard to do this. Our current team at FPA surpasses anything I dreamed.
8. You seem to do it all: CEO, Consultant, Psychologist, Wife, Mom, (just to name a few). How do you maintain work/life balance?
-There’s a TED Talk by Dan Thurman that I try to listen to every month. Check it out – It’s all about being “off balance” on purpose. 

9. If you could choose another profession, what would it be?
-A nurse - they work so hard to bring comfort and care to people all day long.

10. What is one thing that you want our readers to know about you?
-FPA wants to hear from you! We believe that our ability to truly impact mental health is accelerated by community feedback. Some of our most successful ideas have come from collaboration with our community.

Luna Belle, FPA's therapy dog in training 

​​​​​​​​Florida Psychological Associates LLC