​​​​​​​​Florida Psychological Associates LLC

Catherine Drew, Ph.D.

Clinical Psychologist

Chief Executive Officer

Ph.D. Clinical Psychology - Florida State University

Catherine Hardee Drew, PhD, is a licensed clinical psychologist (PY#9101) and Chief Executive Officer of Florida Psychological Associates LLC.  Dr. Drew has recently been appointed by Florida Governor Rick Scott to serve on the Florida Board of Psychologywhere she is responsible for licensing, monitoring, disciplining and educating psychologists to assure competency and safety to practice in the Great State of Florida.

Dr. Drew is a Contributing Editor of the American Psychological Association Clinician's Research Digest for Children and Adolescents and serves as a courtesy faculty member of Florida State University.

Dr. Drew specializes in court ordered assessments including psychosexual, competency, and juvenile justice evaluations. She has performed outpatient-based psychotherapy and assessments with both civil and forensic clients diagnosed with a wide range of severe and persistent psychiatric disorders. She is experienced in crisis evaluations and prediction of risk. Dr. Drew is also a qualified supervisor for intern and resident therapists.  

Dr. Drew has received accolades from the Fourth Judicial Circuit regarding her professionalism and ability in the courtroom.  She has conducted comprehensive psychological assessments and provided recommendations regarding risk of violence, competency to proceed to court, and readiness for conditional release. She has served as a liaison to the legal community, and as a consultant to multidisciplinary treatment teams.

Get to know Dr. Drew more when we interviewed her for our blog, FPA Today!